Douglas A. Tracht
Bronx, New York, USA
Aug 01 1950 -
Greaseman" attended DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx, and went
to Ithaca College in New York from 1968-1972, majoring in
Broadcasting. He worked at the college radio station and several other
local stations where he developed the on-air character known as "The
Greaseman" (or just "Grease") after a co-worker commented that he was
"cooking with grease!". At WENE, a station servicing Binghamton, he met
and later married the receptionist named Marie. After college, he got
work as a DJ almost immediately at WAXC in Rochester.
Rochester, he got his first exposure to the Washington, DC market at
WRC, known as "The Great 98". The "Greaseman" character was an outlet
for him to be weird and wacky and to really let his creativity flow.
This unique personality appealed to many listeners, but not to all
station management. When WRC asked him to drop the character in 1975 or
leave, he opted to leave, but he picked right up again with the
Greaseman character on WPOP in Hartford, CT. But when WPOP went
all-news, Grease landed at WAPE in Jacksonville, FL, AKA "The Big Ape".
While his career began to flourish, his wife Marie got tired of all the
moves and their marriage ended.
DJ'ing in Jacksonville, he worked briefly as a police officer in order
to make extra money, which later became the inspiration for one of his
recurring characters -- the 'Lawman'. When Howard Stern was fired from
DC/101 in 1982, Grease returned to D.C. to take over the morning slot,
and he maintained the #1 rating. He became quite the celebrity in D.C.
with his many publicity stunts, including his supposedly running for
President in 1984. He developed a relationship with Redskin Dexter
Manley, who joined him on-air for regular sports updates until he was
sent to jail for drug offenses.
on-air as The Greaseman, he tells elaborate stories and jokes usually
with himself as the central character, and voices his opinions about
people and events in the news, often taking them to rude, crude and
violent extremes for the sake of entertainment. His intended audience is
the same "god-fearing, truck-driving redneck" he acts out himself. His
intelligence and unique wit have helped to attract a loyal fan base who
can relate to his views and appreciate his somewhat extreme humor. A
large part of this humor is a sexist and politically incorrect attitude
that may offend many people, but Grease has developed a collection of
"code" words to describe certain acts and body parts in order to get
around the limitations of the FCC's broadcasting standards and to go
over the heads of children.
real life, Doug Tracht is a very private person, very different from
his on-air personality. He has granted few interviews of his true self,
opting to stay in-character for most public exposure. One notable
exception is a feature article & interview Grease and his wife
did for the December '94 issue of Penthouse magazine. Grease has also
moonlighted as an actor on several occasions. He has appeared in
several Jack Reed made-for-TV movies, and joined the cast of the play
"The Last Session" in L.A. during the summer of 1996 which drew rave
reviews. ~Source: Excerpts from his Official Site

02 Mondo Greaseo & Zone Three
03 Long Distance Limp Wristed
04 Uncle Irving Greasemanowitz
05 Alan Moore Self Destructs
06 The Shorty Story
07 Storm Tips
08 Greaseman At The Beach
09 Tuna The First Time
10 Statutory Rapeometer
11 Who's Gonna Care For Ma
12 What It Must Be Like To Be A Lawman
13 Greaseaster Bunnies
14 Windbreakin Daddy
15 The Slum Lord
16 Nurse Swallows Razor Blade
17 Going Zone Three Way
18 Echo Chamber
19 Down In Jamaica
20 Camel Crisis
21 Good Ship Grease
22 The End Of Another Stinkin' Week
Airplay Humor
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