|  |  |
Baby Seals -
Not Guilty 1975 | Banks & Shane - Who Is It | Barefoot Man - Come
Scuba-Do With Me |
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Baron Harris -
Pillow Party Fun | Barry Louis Polisar - Another Record | Belle Barth -
Book Of Knowledge |
|  |
Belle Barth -
Hell's Belle |
Belle Barth - If I Embarrassed You Forget It | Belle Barth -
Wild, Wild, Wild | |
| | |
| | |
|  |  |
Belle Barth & Pearl
Williams - Return Battle
Of The Mothers | Ben Colder - Ben Colder | Ben Colder -
Best Of Ben Colder |
| | |
| | |
|  |
Benny Bell -
Kosher Comedy (Yiddish) | Bernard Bresslaw - I Only Arsked | Bernard Cribbins -
A Combination Of Cribbins |
 |  |  |
Bernard Cribbins -
Best Of Bernard Cribbins | Bernard Cribbins - Very Best Of Bernard Cribbins | Bernard Miles -
Over The Gate |
 |  |
Bernie Gould -
You're What | Bert Henry - Hard Way |
| | |
| | |
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Bert Van Cleve -
Sings, Songs For Parlor Bedroom & Laff | Beryl Williams - Giggles For Guzzlers 1964 | Beryl Williams -
Giggles For Guzzlers 1964 |
 |  |  |
Best - I
Am The Best 1984 | Betty Comden & Adolph Green - A Party With Betty Comden & Adolph Green | Betty Ross -
All Of Betty Ross x |
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Betty Ross - All
Of Betty Ross | Betty Walker - Hello Ceil, It's Me | Betty Walker, Gershon Kingsley, Davey
Karr - Love And Laughter |
 |  |
Big Daddy Graham -
Act Your Age 1986 | Big Daddy Graham - Slightly Irregular | Big John Trimble -
Fun For The Road |
 |  |  |
Big Theo - Bawdy
British Ballads | Bill Ballance - Best Of Bill Ballance Vol 1 | Bill Barclay -
Almost Live |
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Bill Barclay -
Boys In Blue | Bill Barner - Laughs It Up | Bill Barner -
Trucks In At Anderson House |
 | | |
Bill Barner - Warm
Patter For A Hot Platter |
 |  |
Bill Cosby - Best
Of Bill Cosby 1967 | Bill Cosby - Bill 1973 | Bill Cosby -
Bill Cosby (promo) |
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Bill Cosby -
Bill's Best Friend | Bill Cosby - Cosby And The Kids, Cosby Classics 1986 | Bill Cosby -
Down Under 1971 |
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Bill Cosby - Fat
Albert 1973 CD | Bill Cosby - Why Is There Air Vol 2 Taiwan | |
|  |  |
| Bob Cook - Tonight, No Live Entertainment Just Bob Cook | Bill Dana -
Jose, Supersport |
 |  |  |
Bill Dana - Shtick
From Bill Dana's
Hoo Ha | Bill Fraser - Yakety Saki Man in Orbit | Bill Gallus -
Monkeying Around |
 |  |  |
Bill McKee - Harley
Farley Charley
& Clod 1976 | Bill McKee - Harley Farley Charley & Clod 1976 | Bill Oddie -
Distinctly Oddie |
|  |  |
| Bill Williams - Banned Ballads (South Africa) | Billie McAllister -
What A Big Piece Of Meat |
 |  |
Billy Allyn -
Earthy Mirth 1962 | Billy Allyn - Laff Of The Party! Vol 9 | Billy Connolly -
Billy Connolly |
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Billy Connolly -
Words & Music 1975 | Billy Devroe - An Assortment Vol II | Billy Devroe -
Broad Minded |
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Billy Devroe -
She Gives Trade Stamps | Billy Devroe - She Gives Trade Stamps | Billy Devroe & The Devilaires
- A Trip Around The World |
 |  | |
Billy Devroe & The
Devilaires - A Trip
Around The World | Billy Devroe & The Devilaires - An Assortment Of Party Naughties Vol II |
 |  |  |
Billy Guy -
Tramp Is Funky | Billy Holliday - Crazy Country Comic 1975 | Billy Squires & Sherry
Zimmerman - Pillars Of The
Assembly 1977 |
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Black Dick - Black
Dick for President | Blaster Bates - At The Stratford Hilton 1977 | Blaster Bates - Blast It, Best Of Vol 1-8 |
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Blaster Bates -
Huntingdon Hall
4th October 2003 | Blaster Bates - Master Blaster DVD | Blaster Bates -
Stand Well Back 15 |
 |  |  |
Blaster Bates - Vol
8 Hunting And Shooting Stories | Blowfly - Blowfly's Freak Party | Blowfly - In The Temple
Of Doom 1987 |
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Blowfly -
X-rated 1997 | Blowfly - On Tour | Blowfly - Sensuous Black Woman
Meets The Sensuous Black Man |
 |  |
Bob Goss -
Hello Everybody | Bob Hope - Holidays | Bob Mitchell -
Really Live! |
| | |
| | |
 |  |
Bob Murphey -
Greasy Spoon Cafe 8tr | Bob Newhart - Bob Newhart (Pickwick) | Bob Newhart - The Button Down
Mind Warner Bros
Deluxe Edition 1961 |
| | |
| | |
|  |  |
Bob Peck - Moth
In A Gray Flannel Suit | Bob Prescott - Russian Roulette (And Other Bullet-Proof Gags) 1961 | Bob Steele - Boob, Er,
Uh, Bob Steele Goes
On Record |
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Bob Williams & Linda
Standell - Live In New Orleans | Bob Zany - I Just Can't Win, Bay-Bee!, Live In Las Vegas | Bob Zany - I'm A People
Person, Bay-Bee |
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Bob Zany - I've Arrived, Bay-Bee! | Bobby Shields - First Cuban At The UN | Bobby Thompson -
Bobby Thompson Laugh-In 1979 |
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Bobby Thompson -
When I Was A Lad
1979 |
Booker & Foster - Out Of The Closet |
| | |
| | |
 |  |  |
Booty Green -
Pray To Booty | Bowley & Wilson - A Date With Bowley & Wilson | Breck Wall & Joe Peterson - Bottoms Up |
 |  |
Brenda Hollis - Color
Me Red Hot | Brendan Hanley & Brent MacDonald - Barrack Backroom Ballads |
 |  |  |
Brian Brophy -
Mr Senior Citizen 1978 | Brother Sammy Shore - Come Heal With Me | Bruce & The Bench Warmers - Greatest Hits Vol 1 |
|  |  |
| Bruce Courtney McGorrill - Goodnight Phoebe | Bruce Courtney McGorrill - Saturday Night In Dover-Foxcroft |
 |  |  |
Bruce Forsyth - Mister Entertainment | Bruce Howard - My Friend The Lover | Bruno D'Andrea - Mork & Mindy, Nano Nano |
 |  |  |
Bub Thomas - 7
Places To Hang A Hat | Bub Thomas - Happy Drunk | Bub Thomas - Land Of Froots & Nuts |
 |  |  |
Bub Thomas - Land
of Fruits & Nuts (2) | Bub Thomas - Seven Places To Hang A Hat | Bub Thomas - The Happy Drunk |
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Bub Thomas - Undercover Safairi | Bub Thomas - Undercover Safari | Bucknell Sisters - Strepthroat |
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Bud Fletcher - At The Outhouse | Bud Fletcher - Best Of At The Outhouse | Bud Fletcher -
Goes To Washington |
 |  |  |
Bud Fletcher - Politics
And Politicians, La
Louisianne | Bud Fletcher - Returns To The Outhouse | Buddy Hackett - Buddy Hackett |
 | Bad Boys Bad Boys |  |
Buddy Hackett - Original Chinese Waiter Comedy Album | What'cha Gonna Do? | Burns & Allen - 1937 |
 |  |  |
Buster Poindexter -
Buster Goes Berserk DVD | Buzzy Greene - Adult Comedy Series #2, At The Country Club | Buzzy Greene - Party Time |
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Buzzy Greene -
Party Time | Buzzy Greene - Stag Night At The Lodge 1960's | Buzzy Greene - Stag Night At The Lodge 1960's |