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All Are Welcome!

Welcome To 2010

On: Monday, February 1, 2010

Hope everyone enjoyed the New Year holiday. . .
Now that 2010 is in full swing I'm dropping a note to let you know what's coming up this year.
I'll continue posting 2 albums a day. At that rate I will be able to post material already in my queue for another 3 months. I am optimistic that I will find new material on my own in the months to come but, as you can imagine, it's getting harder to find. On the other hand, "many hands make small work" and if you have anything to submit to the blog all the members will have one more day of laughs. On that subject, here's a big
to those folks who have already sent me links to expand our blog. You'll see many of their posts in the weeks to come.
The blog is "private" now with 54 members. I will probably continue to make the blog public on random weekends to acquire new members to meet the Blogger limit of 100. Don't be afraid to send the email address of like-minded folks that would be interested in this type of blog.
Finally, just a quick mention that we have at least 2 members who are aspiring or professional comedians. I am pleased that those two members have the potential to gain some pointers on delivery styles and material from the old greats (and indeed the old crappy comedians.) Good luck, guys.

1 comments on "Welcome To 2010"

Laszlo said...

It's really good to be here, Jim! THANK YOU!

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.........Click "Older Posts" link, above, to see, umm, Older Posts. Yeah.