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New Computer - Missing Tracks

On: Sunday, March 7, 2010

Looks like I've worked out the bugs on my new computer, a high performance PC with all the tech I need to work on media projects.
During those down weeks I was able to do some research and shopping and have enough new albums to keep us going at the current pace for several months. I've queued up a few weeks of new posts, so check this blog every day.

I also have several dozen albums that are "incomplete". In general, one or more tracks are missing. I'll be posting the details on a few every couple of days or so - if you have the complete album or the missing tracks please consider contacting me so I can make the albums complete and post them.

Thanks - I hope Vintage Standup Comedy brings a little fun to your lives every day!


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.........Click "Older Posts" link, above, to see, umm, Older Posts. Yeah.