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April Winchell - Marc Germain Radio Interview 2014-05-04

On: Monday, July 13, 2015

Paul Winchell
Paul Wilchinsky
aka Pinkus Wilchinski
aka Paul Wilchin 
Dec 22 1922 - Jun 25 2005 age 82
Official Site

01 Interview with April Winchell, daughter of Paul Winchell, spilling private family secrets to raise money for herself.

* * *
His other material on this blog is "tagged" at the bottom of this post
Little Orphan Boy Part 1 & 2 (Promo) (45) 1963
How To Become A Ventriloquist (Video)


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.........Click "Older Posts" link, above, to see, umm, Older Posts. Yeah.